Sunday, September 7, 2008

Welcome baby Andrea!!!

Welcome baby Andrea Gayle Sibley! Another one of my best friends Christina and her husband Terry had their beautiful baby girl this Saturday at 10:32am. She was 9 lbs 8.5 ozs, and she was 20.75 inches long!!

Mommy is doing great. She had such an ordeal this week with Gustav. She originally had an inducement scheduled for Wednesday, but with the power outages and damages due to Gustav, the hospital cancelled her inducement. She lost contact with her doctor. She was not a happy camper this week. Her due date was Mon, Sept 1st, so she ended up having her 5 days after her due date, just like me! Andrea was stubborn too, just like Ella! So, she had a c-section Saturday - and Andrea is just beautiful! Sooo happy for the proud parents! I know they're going to just love their little bundle of joy!!

Mama Gelle


~Michelle said...

That is so freaky! Both of yall had baby girls, 5 days late and a c-section! I am sooo happy that both Ella and Andrea are finally here!