Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ella's First Trip to Louisiana

As you can imagine, things have been quite hectic for us Farrells in the past few weeks. I have been totally slacking in the blogging department, but I guess an active baby can do that to a mommy! I have some great pics from Ella's first trip to Louisiana - it was an unexpected trip, but it was filled with the love of lots of family and friends.

Here are some pics from our first night at Mammy and Paw Paw's. Your cousin Courtney absolutely adores you. She is so good with babies too! She changed your diaper and rocked you to sleep - she's going to be a great babysitter one day!!

Then we travelled to New Iberia for the night Ike hit. It was so windy and rainy. But the sun came out the next morning just in time for your Maw Maw's funeral, and it was beautiful ceremony. You were like a great ball of sunshine to everyone who felt sad. All they had to do was look at your little angelic face, and everything seemed a little better. I think your Maw Maw planned it that way. I caught a few snapshots of you with your cousin Kailey and your Great Grandmother Anna.

At the family gathering afterwards at Aunt Emma's house, I got some great pics of you with your uncles and aunts. They gooed and gahhed over you all afternoon.

That Saturday night, most of the Farrell kids got together at your Aunt Anna's house to watch the LSU game. You were decked out in LSU gear, of course. But before we went there, we stopped at Auntie Stina's house to see her new little baby girl Andrea. Yall were so cute together. We know yall are going to be the best of friends!

For those of you who don't know, we ended up staying at my mom and dad's after that till Friday because of Hurricane Ike. Aunt Shelly and the twins came to see you. Your nanny had a hard time holding you by yourself because of jealous little Christina. She finally found a way to compromise.

Mammy got a LOT of Ella time in - she was such a big help to me and your daddy. She even gave us a few free nights to sleep all night while she stayed up with you. She's such a good Mammy.

The next day, there was lots of excitement at Mammy and Paw Paw's house. Your Uncle Perry came to see you on his lunch break. Your Great Maw Maw Myrtle snuck in during the day and got to hold you for a long time in peace and quiet. You were sooo comfortable in her arms. Then Aunt Jenny and Briggs came for a little visit. That night, we went to Uncle Perry and Taunte Nel's, and you got meet the rest of your cousins - Gi, Jeanne and Maddie. The girls even got to wrestle with daddy a little while we were there.

The next day we had another crew of visitors. We had Melissa and her little boy Hayden, Crissy, Roblyn, and Mossy and her new little baby Katelyn. It was so exciting to see everyone. It was Melissa's birthday, so Mossy brought a cake, and we sang Happy Birthday.

Thursday, Mammy, Daddy, you and I ran a few errands for Uncle David. On our way back, we had to drop something off to a house Uncle David was building in Luling. Mammy took the River Road home, and we were able to see a lot of old houses along the river. Daddy had never seen Oak Alley Plantation, so Mammy passed by so we could see it. It was so gorgeous.

And finally Friday, we headed back to Houston. Luckily, our home was spared of any damage and loss of power (it was only out for 14 hours), so we were very fortunate. Along our trip back to Houston nearly a week after Ike hit there was so much damage along I-10. Almost every billboard was torn from its frame, every lit sign knocked completely out, and many gas stations and fast food restaurants were without power. It was eerie and very depressing.

It took you a while to get back into the routine we had going before we left, but after a day, you adjusted. And now you are just as happy as a clam. You are eating REALLY well these days. I think its all going to your cheeks. And you smile a whole lot, although I still thinks it gas. Oh, and a lot of people have been asking...as of now, your eyes are blue. I thought they might change at first, but they seem to be getting bluer every day. You are just as cute as a button.

Now that we're all up to date, Mommy can start posting more recent things. I go back to school two weeks from Wednesday. I enrolled you in daycare today for the week I go back - not looking forward to that. Meanwhile, we're looking forward to your baptism and seeing more friends and family this weekend.

Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

Wow!! You really filled us in! I love this blog!! It doesn't feel like I miss as much, too bad your sisters didn't think of this!!
Your Dad looks like he could bust! It was nice that everyone got a snuggle in.
Have a great time at the Baptism and take a lot of pictures!

Anonymous said...

Your mommy has to check with your Mammy before she puts nasty, horrible pictures of your Mammy on your blog. She knew that some of them would scare you to death when you got older and you would want to know why you ended up with THAT for a mammy...Mammy's working on your mom to change that, though, so you won't have to be afraid anymore!! I cannot believe that you will be going to school soon... I think Mammy will have to come to Houston and give you some holidays right after you start!!! I will be crying here in LA when you have to go to school.... I cannot imagine what your Mom will look like HER first day of school!! I love you, little one... Mammy

Anonymous said...

the pic of her with the little tree on her shirt... she has changed so much, looks a little more like bart in that pic! still so cute angle!

~Michelle said...

Thanks for filling us in Gelle! Glad your house didnt get any damage. I am so jealous that all your other friends got to spend time with Ella! But I will see yall soon - if you consider December soon =)
Love, Chelle