Amelia's baptism was on Sunday, January 31st at 1:00pm at St. Peter's Church. Our good family friend Father Paul Hart (the same guy who married us) performed the christening, and as always, he delivered an inspriational and comical service. It was a private and unconventional baptism in that it was just family and friends, but Amelia's many nieces surrounded and watched from the altar.

Amelia was pretty good through the service, except of course when she had holy water poured on her head. Then, not so much. Ha ha. But she was beautiful, and she looked like a little angel in the gorgeous christening gown mom made for the family.

Afterwards, we had a reception at Mammy and Paw Paw's house, and it was always fun times at the Levet house. Paw Paw made his jambalaya, and there was lots of fun, friends and family. Amelia slept through the entire party, but being she had a rough, collicky night the night before, we just let her sleep!!

It was a wonderful day! Thanks to everyone who came for Amelia's special day!!
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