Sunday, February 28, 2010
Double Trouble
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:39 AM 4 comments
Visit from Baton Rouge
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:16 AM 1 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Amelia and Ella go to the zoo!!!
Mammy and Paw Paw got our whole family a year's membership to the Houston Zoo, so since this past Saturday looked like a promising day, we decided to go to the zoo! We left rather late, but we figured we see some of the park and catch the rest next visit. Well, little did we know, the zoo closes at 5:30pm during the winter months, so we only had an hour and half to see everything. Oh well....we'll definitely be back!
We invited our friends Greg and Rebeca and Ella's friend IV, and we all had such a great time. The first thing I wanted Ella to see was the elephant because she's always saying "elepant," and I know she would recognize that animal the most. Well, we went up to the exhibit, and she was mesmorized! She stared long and hard, and she finally looked over at me and said "elepant!" She watched and was priceless. We trucked around the zoo in our big caddy double stroller, courtesy of Shelly! It worked great, and it definitely did the trick. It got cool quick when the sun started going down, so we had bundle up little Amelia. She just sat in the back of that stroller like "Driving Miss Daisy!"
Posted by Farrell Family at 2:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
What's New with the Two has been a constant fast-forward button at the Farrell household. Amelia is already 3 months old, and I feel like those months just flew by. I keep treating her like a newborn, but she's already busting out of 3 month clothing. It's amazing how slow it went by for Ella, and how incredibly fast it is going by for Amelia.
KNOCK ON WOOD, but it seems like the colic is FINALLY on it's way out. She's been sleeping 7-8 hours a night, and the time leading up to that has not been horrible. It's a controllable cry, and we can definitely handle that!! So, life has been a joy here now, and she smiles and laughs all the time. She can hold her head really high during tummy time, and she's even been loving the jumper, a toy that Ella adored. She also tries to push herself forward when she's on her tummy...I don't know exactly what she's trying to do, but it looks like work to me!
Posted by Farrell Family at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Who Dat Victory!!
After much contemplation of what where we were going to watch the Superbowl, we decided that in the best interest of all who actually wanted to see the game, we'd have our own private party at the house. If we were living in Louisiana, I'm sure this would've been a no-brainer, but we live in Houey and that's that. So, we wore our black and gold for the Superbowl, baby!
Posted by Farrell Family at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Happy 2nd Birthday, Dean!
Today was Ella's good friend Dean's 2nd birthday party! Amelia and Ella had a great time! Ok, maybe Ella had a better time than Amelia, but it was still a lot of fun for all of us! Kurt and Robin had TONS of food, and we all had so much fun catching up.
To start the party off, Ella went straight to Dean's toys of course. She grabbed a purple block with different shape cutouts in it. Well, she held on to that thing for what felt like a half hour! I'd see her on one of those ride-along cars, and there she was with the block in hand. Finally, a half hour later, I heard Ella's cries come from the other room. One of the other moms told me she was ok, she just fell but didn't hit her head or anything. Well, I know my Ella, and I know that she would NEVER cry like that from merely falling on carpet. When I went to investigate, I realize her hand was STUCK in one of the shapes on the purple block, and when she fell, it hurt her hand. Ha ha ha. Robin had to use olive oil to slip her hand off the block. Poor baby!! Dean blew out his candles, and he was sooo cute. I can't wait till Ella can actually "blow" her candles out!
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
Amelia Rose is all smiles!
When my precious little angel is not crying from her icky colic, she is just the most beautiful, smiley little baby ever. She has the most contagious, sweet little smile ever, and boy, does she look like her daddy or what? I was merely the incubator!
Here are a few shots of some tummy time we had while bruiser, AKA Ella Pearl, was sleeping!
Posted by Farrell Family at 5:19 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
Amelia's Baptism in Louisiana
Amelia's baptism was on Sunday, January 31st at 1:00pm at St. Peter's Church. Our good family friend Father Paul Hart (the same guy who married us) performed the christening, and as always, he delivered an inspriational and comical service. It was a private and unconventional baptism in that it was just family and friends, but Amelia's many nieces surrounded and watched from the altar.

It was a wonderful day! Thanks to everyone who came for Amelia's special day!!
Posted by Farrell Family at 4:55 PM 0 comments