Saturday, April 25, 2009

PoOoOoO PoOoOo!!


Picture it! This past Thursday. In the evening.
You are playing in your playpen, while Mommy is picking up around the house. I look over at you because you got mighty quiet, and I see you playing in something. It's dark and your patting your hands in it....I get a little closer, and I see it is a puddle of POO POO!!!

Well, I just about died! I ran over to you, and picked you up under your arms. I called for your daddy from upstairs. He called down and wanted to know what you were doing. I said, "PLAYING IN POO!!" He ran down to help me. We put your straight in the tub - dress, diaper, sandals and all. I hosed you off and started stripping you down. Meanwhile, daddy started hosing off your toys, playmat, and sandals. It was sooooooo nasty!

But you got a great bath out of it, and we got everything nice and clean again. But wow!
What a stinky situation!!

Speaking of "Picture It," another Golden Girl passed away today! Bea Arthur, the lady who played Dorothy Zsbornak died of cancer. So sad.


~Michelle said...

Yet another reason why I havent had a baby yet! haha! She was playing with her poo? Ewww! They are just curious at that age I guess. When I taught one year olds at the daycare I saw all kinds of things at diaper time. The girls always stuck their hand in poo and the boys always grabbed the little weiner and pulled it as hard as they could. You wouldnt believe how far that thing will stretch! haha! I am so glad you are going through all of this before me so you can live and I can learn!

Anonymous said...

Ella Pearl... I think it's time mommy and daddy bought you some new toys b/c apparently you are bored with the ones you now have and have resorted to playing with poo poo... Ewww!!! Tell your mommy that that's probably won't be the worse thing you will do in your life and to just get ready for it... I won't tell her what it will be because that would spoil the surprise!!! We'll keep that secret between us, okay?? I don't know which story is funnier... your mommy's or aunt michelle's comment!!! I am SO enjoying all this as a GRANDMOTHER!!! Been there, done that, and have the T-shirt as they say!! I love you my little Ella Pearl...keep up the good work of making your mammy laugh!!!

Anonymous said...

Ditto what your Mother said!