Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ella's Big Shopping Weekend

Hey little Ella,
First things first, you are a standing machine. Daddy will pull you up to a random toy, and you will stand there for a while and play and play. You LOOVE to stand...still haven't crawled yet though. I just know you'll be walking first!

You've been doing great. Besides standing, you've been eating solids great, drinking juice from your sippy cup, and even though you're not crawling, you are reaching around like a little trooper. If you see something you want, you go and get it - even if you have to flip over and over to get to it.
The weather has been GREAT, so Mommy has been taking you and Zoe for walks around the neighborhood every day. You LOVE to be strolled.

This past weekend, Nanny and your cousins Leslie, Courtney and Christina came to visit. Leslie needed a dress for her carnival ball, and since Houston has so many Quinceanera dresses, I told them this was the perfect place to look! Saturday, we shopped till we DROPPED!! You were SOOO good considering how many dress shops we went in and out of. After a whole day of shopping, we still hadn't found a dress. Sunday after church, we went to one last place that was open on Sundays. And what do you know....we found a BEAUTIFUL dress for Leslie. She looks like a princess in it, and she looks so grown up in it. Mommy wanted to cry.

So, Nanny and the girls got the dress and it was a successful trip. It was also great for Mommy to catch up with your Nanny and spend some time with her (plus your cousins loooved seeing you too!) We almost got your ears pierced today, but the place we went was out of the earrings Mommy wanted for you. Maybe you'll have earrings for Easter.

Anyway, you had a great time. Mommy was sooo tired when Nanny and the crew left, and so I put you in the jumper and vegged out on the sofa. I closed my eyes for one second, and when I woke up - this is what I saw!!! You were obviously pooped out too!!

I love you, my little sunshine.

Love, Mommy


Michelle and Jason said...

How cute is she?!?! I love the last picture - her conked out in her little bouncy thing. Bless her sweet heart. And, the dress you guys found is BEAUTIFUL - reminicent of Cinderella :)

Anonymous said...

Leslie's dress is beautiful! How exciting! And wow, Christina is such a little girl - I feel like I haven't seen her in forever! And she's got great hair, too! And did someone make those matching dresses for Ella and Christina? Those are too cute!

Ella P, I have a feeling you will definitely be walking before crawling. And that's great to march to the beat of your own drum, little angel!

- Lacie

Anonymous said...

Ella.... you go girl... if you want to walk before you crawl, go for it!! Crawling isn't what it's cracked up to be anyway.... you get your knees and hands all dirty and full of dry skin.... walking is the best way to go!!! You are so classy.... i know you don't need to crawl. Thank you for helping Leslie pick out such a beautiful dress... i love you so much my little Ella... Mammy

Anonymous said...

SO much to catch up on....Leslie looked absolutely beautiful in her dress. It seemed like it was made just for her, it was meant to be. Wow Leslie is all grown up, defiantly time for a visit. I have to agree with Lacie the little dress Ella P was wearing is so cute. She look's like a princess, think you are going to be in trouble when it is time for boys..... ;) -Lve Amber xxx