Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Shoes...

Mommy had you in a new outfit tonight (the tag says 3-6 months but I KNOW it was bigger - you are snug in 9 months now!) Anyway, we also tried on your new shoes!! You just loved fact, you wanted to eat them! In fact, you want to eat everything right now!



Anonymous said...

OHMYGOD Ella.... Those last pictures your mom posted are the spitting image of your father!!!! You look EXACTLY like Daddy right now so Mommy will just have to have a little sister or brother for you and maybe that one will look like her!!! You are soooo cute, though, and i could just eat you up!!! Can't wait to hold and squeeze you again....Love, Mammy

Anonymous said...

So CUTE I can not even begin to tell you how adorable these pictures are. New shoe's oh that would have been a fun purchase. Can not wait to go shopping and spoil Ella P again. Love Amber xxxx