Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ella turns six months!

I cannot believe that sixth whole months have gone by, my little angel. Before we know it, you'll be one year. You're growing sooo fast. You started sitting up in the last week. And you're making so many new noises. We're really looking forward to the next six months to watch you grow!

Thursday was your six month check-up, and Dr. Nguyen says you're healthy as can be. You weighed 18 lbs and you were 26.5 inches long. Yay! You got one shot this time, and you didn't even cry!! Mommy was so proud of you!

Today, daddy and I took you for your 6 month pictures. You have a little cough and cold, so you weren't feeling your best, but you were still just as cute as a button.

Mommy has some major blog-updating to do, so she vows to update back one page per night until all her pics and info is up to date. I don't want you to miss a thing about the first 6 months of your life.

We love you so much.



Anonymous said...

Oh my beautiful little Ella Pearl!! Your mammy cannot believe that six whole months have gone by already!! I have loved watching you grow and also I have loved even more watching your mommy and daddy grow into such wonderful parents! You are so lucky, Ella, to have such wonderful, loving parents. You will have so much fun with them as you get older. Your six month pictures are just as beautiful as you are and too soon you will be sending me your year old ones. Slow down, my little Ella, and don't grow too fast!!! I love you so much... Mammy

~Michelle said...
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~Michelle said...

I cant believe she is 6 months old! Wow - time flies when you are having fun (or in your case, Gelle, when you are changing diapers and making bottles). I love Ella's new pictures. She is so adorable!

Love, Chelle

Andrea's Mom said...

Time does fly...6 months has gone by so fast. Andrea will be 6 months old soon also. WOW!!! Ella has that same hair that Andrea has. It is so cute. I love her new pics. Where did yall take them? Give me a call sometime. I feel like we haven't talked in forever. I miss yall and love yall.

Anonymous said...

She took some beautiful pictures! She seems like a very happy little girl. Time just keeps flying by, so enjoy every minute of her!
