Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm baaaaaack!

Mommy got a new laptop!! So, now I can blog every free minute I get. Yay! I've got lots of photos to share, now I can share them. And tonight, we tried out the webcam on the laptop, and your Mammy, Paw Paw and cousin Christina got to see you before you went to bed. They said they could see you crystal clear, so we'll have to do that a lot more often!

Mommy took this video of you right before you turned six months old. I just love it. Anytime Daddy or I want to videotape you, we have to sneak up on you because when you see the camera, you usually stop doing whatever cute thing it was we wanted to tape! So, we really caught you this time.

Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, this video of Ella P is absolutely adorable! I love it! She's just ga-gaing and goo-gooing all the time! So sweet!
