Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let the Nesting Begin...

I have officially begun "nesting" in my third trimester.  We were thinking of driving to Louisiana today for Bart's grandma's 90th birthday party, but the kids were in a very active mood and I was not looking forward to driving five plus hours today and five plus hours tomorrow to come right back...especially since we're going home in two weeks for Easter, so we decided to stay home.

But rather than be unproductive, we worked our tushes off!  Bart installed our new fan in our bedroom, and we both worked all day cleaning and moving things out and dusting and vacuuming.  It looks SO GOOD, and now we can start painting and hanging curtains and all the fun stuff.  All this for a new little baby??  Well, that and the fact that momma just needs a change!

This afternoon, we were all hot, so we got the girls dressed in their swimsuits and decided to take them to the community splashpad.  They were sooo cute and sooo excited to go.  We drove down to the area, and it was closed!!  :(  We called the YMCA and they closed at 6pm too, so we knew the girls would be so disappointed if we didn't do SOMETHING.  So, what did we do...Bart ran the sprinklers in the yard, and the girls went WILD!

 Even Zoe got in on all the action.  Zoe likes to stick her face in the sprinkler and try to eat it.  Hilarious....and she was soaked.  Probably the most movement that pups made in a while!

 When the sprinklers ran their course, our next door neighbor Necoy improvised some more water action.  Takes so little to impress my girls.
 After some backyard fun, we ordered takeout Chinese food, and the girls had their favorite (and messiest) RICE!  Amelia learned how to say CHEESE, so when I point the camera at her now, she smiles and says CHEESE!!  It is SOOO cute with her little lisp.

Ella is a MESS!  She won't say fact, she barely looks at the camera. Such a little stinker.
We had a great day...the girls went out easy peasy, and I spent the rest of the night going through ALL the girls toys.  We just needed to throw away the happy meal toys and the destroyed stuff, put some stuff away for the baby, etc.  It took FOREVER, but totally worth it.  My den is next on the list of things to organize.  Let the spring cleaning begin!!

7 weeks till baby Farrell #3 will be here, so we gots to start working!  I can't wait to see her beautiful little face.