Ok, I am officially fired from being Super Mommy Blogger!
It has been a LONG time (since last fall) since I have posted on my babies blog, and I should be ashamed. In all honesty, I have been EXHAUSTED!! I found out I was pregnant in October AND my business went into full swing all in the same month, so the blog was last place on my priority list. More time passed, and I knew I had a lot of catching up to do. Then it kinda became that tee tee game....you hold it and hold it because you know once you go, you're gonna have to go all the time. So, I held off on posting....and here we are 7 months later. I have SO MUCH to say and update on here, but rather than trying to backtrack, I am just going to press forward with the present.
With that said, here's a quick intro:
Yes, I am seven months pregnant for a baby girl. We just had an ultrasound yesterday, and she is healthy and beautiful. We have a few names in mind....Sophia, Olivia or Isla. We really kinda know what it is, but I like to leave something for that big day! Plus I have no clue on a middle name just yet. It's fun to refer to her by a name though....especially when talking to Ella and Amelia. They point to my belly and tell everyone that she's in there, and they like to put their hands on my belly and feel for kicks. Since I know they have the attention span of a cocker spaniel, I fake some bounces and Ella gets so excited!
My embroidery business has really taken off since last August when I started. I haven't even had my machine a full year yet, and I have put some major miles on it. My friend Kim and I have done three craft shows in the Fall, and we did one this Spring in Louisiana, all of which were successful. It has been so much fun and rewarding making cute little things for people, and of course, I love making clothes for my girls. It gets quite busy and hectic at times though....especially with the pregnancy. I usually was sewing at night after they go to sleep, but I've been so tired after they go to bed, I would crash too. It's much better in this third trimester....I'll be happy to get my full energy back. I'll need it!!
Ella is in a mother's day out program called Lamb School at The Met church. She goes two days a week, and she loves it! She knows all the kids in her class, and most of her best friends are BOYS! Ha ha...next year (September), both girls are registered for a similar program at Bear Creek Baptist. Two days of mommy and new baby time a week....whatever will I do with myself??!! Ella's working on potty training, and she's becoming such a big girl. I love that she can speak so well now....it's so nice to communicate with her. Most of the time. She's an average two-year-old: headstrong, opinionated and bossy!! But she makes me laugh every day with the new stuff she comes up with, and she's so beautiful.
Amelia is growing at a rapid pace. She talks ALOT for a 16 month old - she's a regular little parrot, and it makes life a little easier to somewhat communicate with her too. She tells me if she likes something, and has no problem telling me NO if she doesn't. She has the most adorable head of light brown curls, and people talk about it everywhere we go. She's loves her big sister, and they wrestle (no, not like cute little wrestling...I'm talking, legs wrapped around the head, wrestling), which is hilarious (and a bit disturbing) to watch. She has the sweetest smile and personality, and she is as big as her sister. Literally, they are one size apart. She is so beautiful as well.
Bart's doing great...keeping busy with his job. He likes the position he is in now, and they had a good year, despite the Gulf shutting down most drilling (thank you, Obama). He joined a country music band, and they practice Thursday nights. It's definitely a different atmosphere for him, but he loves to play no matter what, so he's enjoying it. He loves his girls, and they LOVE their dad. I would have no business it if weren't for him, and he helps me SO MUCH with them. I could NEVER be having a third child if it weren't for the relief he gives me as a momma. I am so blessed to have him as a husband, and the kids are lucky to have such an active father as a dad.
And we're quite settled into Houston now. We love our neighbors and our new friends. Life is pretty busy with 2.5 kids, so it's hard to get homesick, although we still do now and then. Louisiana is just a quick five hour drive away though, and even though we don't go home as often as we used to, we still get to see friends and family often enough.
Now, I am committed to get back to this blogging. Baby number three is entitled to some blogging love, so I promise to start getting back into the routine. Every day is a new story to tell, and I know I will write a book one day. Hopefully this will help me do it. Thanks to everyone who has been urging me to get back into it!!
Love, MamaFred