Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hey baby girl,

I saw a FIFTH tooth errupting in those gums today. Its right next to your two front teeth! So exciting!! I put my finger in there to feel around, and you bit me! And the four teeth you DO have are SHARP!! You got a kick out of the yelp I made when you bit me. Hee hee.

You're walking, and running for that matter, like a pro now. You quickly get around the house to where you want to be. Mommy has been chasing you all day, but I love it. Also starting yesterday, you have a new sound. It's like a yodeling thing almost...I caught it on camera this morning. Too funny. You do it all the time now.

Love, Mommy


~Michelle said...

She is getting to be such a little ham! She is going to be a scene stealer when she is a teen. The videos are so cute! Love the snowman kisses!