Thursday, July 16, 2009

One Tired Bebe

My little pumpkin, you were sooo sleepy today! You woke up at 5:45am, coughing. When I gave you a little Tylenol and tried to get you back to sleep, you were WIDE AWAKE. Well, wow...I was no prepared for that! But after a cup of my 1/2 caffeine coffee, I was ready to play all day with you! And played we did, all morning. Around 9:30am, you were ready for a nap. You slept for THREE hours. Mommy was even able to leave while Daddy was here to run a few errands. When you woke back up, you were wide awake and well-rested....

And you played and played and played.

When I fed you lunch, you had to have your bear with you. You have this thing with all your stuffed animals right now. You carry them all around the house with you. You hug them and kiss them and sometimes, you just won't even part with them. Like today, you would NOT eat lunch unless the bear was sitting right beside you. Too cute.

This evening, you went swimming for a little while mommy took a well-needed nap. When you got back, you were DONE. You fake-cried every time your tush hit the floor. We even tried calling Mammy to cheer you up, which worked for a little while but it wore off quick. I gave you your bottle in your high chair while I cooked dinner, and you can see, you didn't last long.
You were asleep by 8:15, which means Mommy needs to be in bed NOW just in case you wake up at the crack of dawn again tomorrow.
Love, Mommy

P.S. Mommy is 20 weeks pregnant today for your baby sister! Halfway there!


Anonymous said...

My precious little Ella... Your Mommy doesn't understand that you sleep when you WANT to sleep and are awake when you WANT to be awake. I keep telling her that when YOU sleep, she needs to sleep also. Pretty soon your baby sister will be here and it won't be so easy to get you AND sissy to sleep at the same time...THAT'S when the fun starts, Mommy... But I know you will be a good little girl for Mommy and help with Sissy. I love you my little Ella.. Mammy