Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ella and the Box

Ella, my little climber,

Who knew that with hundreds of dollars of toys, your favorite play thing would be the box your carseat came in. Now, note: the box has been in our living room for months! You will not let it go, and daddy has cut cute little windows in it. You bring all your dolls in there - you even have a blanket in there. You LOVE the box.

Well, today you kind of discovered something new to do with your box. We had a box of diapers next to it, and you started climbing. You climbed onto the foam tiles, then onto the diaper box and finally made your way up to the top of your big box. But when you first got on top, you kind slid down. I guess this gave you an idea.

You went to the front of the box and pulled the flap down. Then you proceeded to climb the box from the floor and make it into a slide. You were grunting and climbing and trying so hard to get to the top, until you finally made it. You were sooo funny. I have some of the moments in pictures, but the video says it all!

You've been so active lately. You're RUNNING now, walking as fast as you possibly can across the house. You spin in circles until you fall down. Anytime you hear music, you stand up, bounce up and down, and dance. And boy, do you dance. Auntie Necoy came over yesterday, and the two of you danced and danced until you didn't have any more energy! Sometimes you even dance to your own singing. You've just started standing on your head, as if you're about to tumble (in fact, I think you tried to do one off the top of the box!). You also have a new voice...a voice you use when you look at Zoe. You look at her and use this deep voice and go WUFF WUFF. Ok, so its more like OOF OOF, but I know you're mimmicking the dog! I tried to get it on video below...

You're so much fun right now!! I can't believe in a few weeks, we'll be celebrating your FIRST BIRTHDAY!!

Love, Mommy


~Michelle said...

That is too funny about the box! I have heard a million parents say that very same thing - about how you spend hundreds on educational toys and they end up playing with a box or pots and a spatula. Same goes for dogs and cats too. I cant believe Ella is almost one and will be a big sis soon! It must be true that time flies when you are having fun (playing in a box)!