Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Out and About

Hey Ella P,

Yesterday you were exploring in the yard with daddy. Every afternoon when he gets home from work, the two of you go outside to water the garden and the GRASS!! The grass is a little high right now - it's daddy's plan to keep it alive, and actually, it's almost all recovered from being burnt. But you just love walking around in that green, lush grass...and it's so funny to watch you explore the yard.

Today is your Paw Paw Larry's 64th birthday!
I called him to wish him Happy Birthday, but I wanted to find a way for you to wish him Happy Birthday too (other than slobbering on the phone or saying an occasional sound). So, we emailed him this perfect little picture! Can you tell your teething again!?!

Today, you and your daddy were not feeling well. He stayed home from work, which was a treat for you!! Yall both had a stuffy nose and coughing. You were up at 7am, but you took a 2.5 hour nap, which you really must've needed!

Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

my little Ella... PawPaw had a smile from ear to ear when he saw your picture holding up his "Happy Birthday" sign. We love you soooo much and can't wait to see you again. Love... Mammy