Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ella the Fish


What a great day we had today!!
This morning, mommy took you to the YMCA. You cried when I first brought you to the daycare, but I got a 30 minute workout and when I picked you up, you were happy and playing on the floor. They said you only cried for a little bit. Yay! Then Mommy took you to the neighborhood playground. You weren't quite ready to climb on that big thing, but we found something you did like - the sandbox! There was a huge stone sandbox covered with a giant umbrella, and you were in your glory. It was Florida all over again. And the weather was so nice and breezy, you just played and played.

After a well-deserved nap, we decided to head to the pool. Now you've been to the neighborhood splash pad before, so we decided to try something new today. I remember there being a baby pool at the other neighborhood pool (it's more of an olympic-sized pool with a baby pool on the side - we never go there because the splash pad is so popular). I didn't have my swimsuit on, so I figured you could just lay in the baby pool while I watched.

When we got there, I go to this "baby pool," and it is HUGE. It has a 1 foot circular section that opens into a 2 foot larger pool with a rock waterfall at one end. It is a pretty major baby pool, and you had it all to yourself. I started you out in the 1 foot area of course, and the water came up to your waist. You splashed around, and occasionally you would just sit, which made the water cover your face. I freaked out each time you did it, but it didn't seem to phase you in the least as you walked around in waist-deep water.

Then you found your way to the 2 foot side. Well, honey...you took off. I guess the feeling of being able to walk in the water, you were in HEAVEN. The water came up just under your chin, and you walked ALL OVER THAT POOL. Occasionally, you would misstep and go under the water. Mommy pulled you back up, and you barely coughed! It was like you knew to hold your breath!!! You blew bubbles if the water covered your mouth, and you swam when mommy held up your arms. I was amazed. And people were coming by to ask how old you were....when I told them you were a few weeks away from your first birthday, they asked, "Is she in swimming lessons?? She has no fear!!!" They apparently were amazed too.

You had a blast! Now Daddy can't wait to take you back so he can see you in action too!

I had such a wonderful day with my little baby girl.
I love you so much.



Anonymous said...

She walks so good in the water!! Wow and her hair is getting lighter and longer!! She looks like mommy!!

Aunt Mary

Anonymous said...

OHMYGOD Ella Pearl... you are going to beat your little twin cousins in the swimming dept. I thought THEY could swim early, but I think you will beat them!! Those videos of you walking all around that pool and putting your mouth in the water and blowing bubbles, no less... I just laughed and laughed... you are so funny, little girl... I miss you soooo much... Cannot wait to see you again... Mammy