Hey baby girl,
Tonight, we went to the Woodlands to meet up with your cousins Tricia, Chris, Jenna and Parker. They were in town for a little vacation and to see Chris' parents, so we met them for dinner at Saltgrass Steakhouse. It was our first time meeting Parker, and he was so adorable. Jenna loved hanging out with you, and she walked you all around the restaurant. Tricia said she's much more into you than she is into her little brother. Hee hee. Must be a girl thang!
(p.s. Ths picture doesn't even remotely begin to exhibit his cuteness!!)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Keeping with the Family
Posted by Farrell Family at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Ella the Fish
What a great day we had today!!
This morning, mommy took you to the YMCA. You cried when I first brought you to the daycare, but I got a 30 minute workout and when I picked you up, you were happy and playing on the floor. They said you only cried for a little bit. Yay! Then Mommy took you to the neighborhood playground. You weren't quite ready to climb on that big thing, but we found something you did like - the sandbox! There was a huge stone sandbox covered with a giant umbrella, and you were in your glory. It was Florida all over again. And the weather was so nice and breezy, you just played and played.
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:06 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Ella and the Box
Ella, my little climber,
Who knew that with hundreds of dollars of toys, your favorite play thing would be the box your carseat came in. Now, note: the box has been in our living room for months! You will not let it go, and daddy has cut cute little windows in it. You bring all your dolls in there - you even have a blanket in there. You LOVE the box.
Well, today you kind of discovered something new to do with your box. We had a box of diapers next to it, and you started climbing. You climbed onto the foam tiles, then onto the diaper box and finally made your way up to the top of your big box. But when you first got on top, you kind slid down. I guess this gave you an idea.
You've been so active lately. You're RUNNING now, walking as fast as you possibly can across the house. You spin in circles until you fall down. Anytime you hear music, you stand up, bounce up and down, and dance. And boy, do you dance. Auntie Necoy came over yesterday, and the two of you danced and danced until you didn't have any more energy! Sometimes you even dance to your own singing. You've just started standing on your head, as if you're about to tumble (in fact, I think you tried to do one off the top of the box!). You also have a new voice...a voice you use when you look at Zoe. You look at her and use this deep voice and go WUFF WUFF. Ok, so its more like OOF OOF, but I know you're mimmicking the dog! I tried to get it on video below...
You're so much fun right now!! I can't believe in a few weeks, we'll be celebrating your FIRST BIRTHDAY!!
Love, Mommy
Posted by Farrell Family at 1:36 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
Your Trip to L'auberge
Hey baby girl,
This past Monday thru Wednesday you and I met your Nanny and her three girls at L'auberge du Lac in Lake Charles for a little fun in the sun!! As you know, your mommy LOOOVES L'auberge. Well, you officially seem to love it too! You were so excited to hang out with your cousins, and you LOVED the lazy river. Mommy did too.
The weather wasn't exactly cooperating. The first afternoon, we spent the whole time out by the pool. Tuesday it rained off and on, but we spent HOURS going around in the that lazy river. It was sooo nice and cool and relaxing. You were like a little fish! You also kept putting your face in the water and blowing bubbles, which you've never done before. Needless to say, it was not hard to put you to sleep the entire time we were there!
We left Wednesday just as Aunt Angel and Martin were getting there, but it rained the whole morning. Oh well...we had a blast anyway!!
Love, Mommy
P.S. Look, you even got a tan!!
Posted by Farrell Family at 3:28 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
A Welcomed Uneventful Weekend
It finally rained this weekend!! It only rained Saturday afternoon, but it REALLY poured down. We're talking lightning, thunder, wind and lots and lots of rain. Zoe sat UNDER mommy's legs, she was so scared...that little black Min Pin has a ferocious bark, but she is SOO scared of thunder. Where were you? Just playing away in the den. It didn't bother you one bit...the lights even flickered off and on a bunch of times, and it did not phase you in the least. You just played and played and played. After the rain finished, it felt sooo nice and cool outside. That NEVER happens, so we went outside for a walk. After our walk, you couldn't resist playing in the puddles just a little bit. I know, I know...what is your Mommy doing letting you play in the rain when you're on antibiotics for an ear infection....but you know your daddy, he just couldn't resist!
The rest of the weekend was pretty relaxing. You went to daycare during church this morning, and you hardly cried at all!
Posted by Farrell Family at 9:59 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
One Tired Bebe
Posted by Farrell Family at 9:50 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Out and About
Hey Ella P,
Yesterday you were exploring in the yard with daddy. Every afternoon when he gets home from work, the two of you go outside to water the garden and the GRASS!! The grass is a little high right now - it's daddy's plan to keep it alive, and actually, it's almost all recovered from being burnt. But you just love walking around in that green, lush grass...and it's so funny to watch you explore the yard.
Today is your Paw Paw Larry's 64th birthday!
I called him to wish him Happy Birthday, but I wanted to find a way for you to wish him Happy Birthday too (other than slobbering on the phone or saying an occasional sound). So, we emailed him this perfect little picture! Can you tell your teething again!?!
Today, you and your daddy were not feeling well. He stayed home from work, which was a treat for you!! Yall both had a stuffy nose and coughing. You were up at 7am, but you took a 2.5 hour nap, which you really must've needed!
Love, Mommy
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:07 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
It's Storytime
Little Ella,
Today during storytime, you decided to take the bull by the horns and read the book yourself. You had a very captivated audience. They all sat attentively while you went page by page.
Posted by Farrell Family at 9:36 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunday's Best
Hey my little angel,
Just a little pic of you after mass today. You were so good, we didn't even need to sit in the cry room today. However, mommy did discover the daycare during the homily, and they kept you from then till after communion. It was great because you got to experience a little church AND mommy got to actually hear the consecration!! Ha ha. I love you!
Posted by Farrell Family at 11:14 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Am I Wrong?
Am I a bad mother for taking this photo BEFORE helping her out of this situation?
Note: she was crying when I took it.
She was much better after I freed her.
P.S. I have been backlogging posts, so if you visit my blog, check down below for updates because I am keeping the updates in chronological order.
Posted by Farrell Family at 5:33 PM 2 comments
My Little Fishy
You just cannot get enough of the water! Even after a long stay in Florida, you still came home and hit the pool! Here's a few shots of you in the pool playing this week.There's a bit of a drought here in Houston. We haven't had rain in MONTHS, and so our grass is a bit burnt!
Posted by Farrell Family at 3:52 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Hey baby girl,
I saw a FIFTH tooth errupting in those gums today. Its right next to your two front teeth! So exciting!! I put my finger in there to feel around, and you bit me! And the four teeth you DO have are SHARP!! You got a kick out of the yelp I made when you bit me. Hee hee.
You're walking, and running for that matter, like a pro now. You quickly get around the house to where you want to be. Mommy has been chasing you all day, but I love it. Also starting yesterday, you have a new sound. It's like a yodeling thing almost...I caught it on camera this morning. Too funny. You do it all the time now.
Love, Mommy
Posted by Farrell Family at 4:18 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Your New Friend
Your new friend...
An unlikely source? Yes, but a new pal for you. So, I was cleaning off the dining room table, and I have a bunch of items from Mammy and Paw Paw's house that I need to put in a safe place. One of the things is my old stuffed snowman. My mom made it for me (its basically like a pillow cut-out of a snowman, but did I love that thing when I was a kid?? It has the drool marks all over it to prove it.
Anyway, you found it before I could send it upstairs. You picked that snowman up, and immeditaely you started carrying it all over the house. You would not put it down!! You gave it kisses and hugged it. You are in love with that thing! You finally let it go, but if we wave it in front of you, you fall in love with it all over again. Pretty funny.
Love, Mommy
Posted by Farrell Family at 4:56 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
Your First Trip to the Beach!!
Well, Ella my little beach bunny, I was very reluctant to take a 10-month-old to the beach, but boy was I surprised at the outcome!
Somewhat last minute, your daddy and I decided to join our good friends Tyler, Veronica and our godchild Breanna at Perdido Key, Florida. We all stayed in a two bedroom condo called the Windemere. It was really nice with a beautiful long balcony view of the Gulf. The water was crystal clear, the waves were big, and the weather was GORGEOUS.
Thinking all you would want to do is eat the sand, I borrowed a neat sheet from your Aunt Shelly and we hauled the play yard all the way to Fl. Your first morning on the beach, we just plopped you on the sand to see what you would do. You LOVED the sand. You just kept looking at it so intently, running it through your hands. It was sooo funny to look at because you were concentrating so hard on it. You did that for a LOOONG time too. After that, we went into the water. I was so afraid you'd get saltwater in your mouth or eyes and start screaming. But daddy brought you out in that water, and you loved it. You splashed it around, and daddy always found a way to get those waves to splash you in the face. You just smiled or sat there with no expression at all...as if you were trying to figure out where the heck we were and what this was!! You sucked your thumb a lot, I guess to suck the saltwater off. Gross.

You and Breanna had a blast too. Breanna was 2 and a half, and I thought the age difference might keep yall from having fun. But she treated you like a little sister...yall would run up and down the condo screaming at the top of yall lungs. I am sure our neighbors loooved that. At night, we would all get dolled up and go out to eat. One night, at Cottons, you were so tired! You were in your high chair eating baked potato pieces, and you started crying. I picked you up, and you immediately fell asleep on my shoulder. You slept there the rest of the meal. You are so funny.

Posted by Farrell Family at 3:55 PM 0 comments