Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ella got a haircut

Yes, a haircut.

Your hair has been growing straight forward. And that's fine, except it's starting to get longer. When it gets in your eyes, you rub and rub and rub your eyes until they're red. So, this morning...mommy just gave you a quick haircut. Of course, I saved the hair in your little "first curl" container - but I'm starting to think I shouldn't cut your hair in the morning before my coffee when I am still half asleep. When I went to pick you up from daycare, you had bangs!! Ok, so it wasn't that bad, but it looked funny.

Oh well! It's just hair, and it will grow back.

And you have been majorly teething. You have little crying fits, which is so unlike you, and you're feeling for your mouth, so I know it's only a matter of time before a tooth pops out.

Before you went to bed, you had your piano lessons.

Love, Mommy

Monday, February 23, 2009

Paw Paw and Mammy love you


By the way, have I ever told you your daddy and I call you Ella Poopy Pants. I'm sure you'll really appreciate that when you're older.

Anyway, you were really sleepy this evening. I think you're still working to fight this cold. YES, another cold. You poor thing...

I have a few pics from our trip home this last time...Paw Paw and Mammy got some snapshots of you around the yard the last morning we were there. Paw Paw fixed up the swing that his great grandfather made, and you look just cute as a button in it. Your ancestors would be proud!


Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Shoes...

Mommy had you in a new outfit tonight (the tag says 3-6 months but I KNOW it was bigger - you are snug in 9 months now!) Anyway, we also tried on your new shoes!! You just loved them...in fact, you wanted to eat them! In fact, you want to eat everything right now!


Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm baaaaaack!

Mommy got a new laptop!! So, now I can blog every free minute I get. Yay! I've got lots of photos to share, now I can share them. And tonight, we tried out the webcam on the laptop, and your Mammy, Paw Paw and cousin Christina got to see you before you went to bed. They said they could see you crystal clear, so we'll have to do that a lot more often!

Mommy took this video of you right before you turned six months old. I just love it. Anytime Daddy or I want to videotape you, we have to sneak up on you because when you see the camera, you usually stop doing whatever cute thing it was we wanted to tape! So, we really caught you this time.

Love, Mommy

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ella turns six months!

I cannot believe that sixth whole months have gone by, my little angel. Before we know it, you'll be one year. You're growing sooo fast. You started sitting up in the last week. And you're making so many new noises. We're really looking forward to the next six months to watch you grow!

Thursday was your six month check-up, and Dr. Nguyen says you're healthy as can be. You weighed 18 lbs and you were 26.5 inches long. Yay! You got one shot this time, and you didn't even cry!! Mommy was so proud of you!

Today, daddy and I took you for your 6 month pictures. You have a little cough and cold, so you weren't feeling your best, but you were still just as cute as a button.

Mommy has some major blog-updating to do, so she vows to update back one page per night until all her pics and info is up to date. I don't want you to miss a thing about the first 6 months of your life.

We love you so much.
