Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Many Different Expressions of Ella Pearl

Today was Ella Pearl's 18 month checkup with her pediatrician, Dr. Nguyen. Daddy watched Amelia for me while I took Ella, and she was such a good girl. Apparently, every child in Houston was sick, so we had to wait for 45 minutes to see the doctor, and she just sat in her stroller and read about a million books. She was happy to see Dr. Nguyen, as she always is, and Dr. Nguyen said she looks great! She weighs 26 lbs, and she's 33 inches tall. Dr. Nguyen said she is growing taller faster than she is gaining weight. Her head circumference is in the 95 percentile...so she has a giant cranium! Must be for all those smarts! Then came the bad news...she had to have one immunization shot. Blah. She did NOT like that, and I must say, it was much harder for me to watch my 18 month old get stuck than it was when she was 6 months old and clueless!! She screamed and cried, but by the time we left the building, she was fine. She got a shiny sticker for being such a good girl, and since Amelia was being so good for Daddy, I took her to McDonalds.

It was sooo nice to spend a little one on one time with my baby girl, and she always loves a good trip to the McDonalds playland. We bonded over chicke nuggets and apple slices, and I just about teared up staring at my little girl drinking from a juice box and biting into her nuggets, as if she was literally growing right in front of me. It seems like just yesterday I was spooning icky green peas into her toothless grin. I really considered forbidding her to grow up any more, but I am already starting to see signs of rebellion, so I know this approach will never work. Ha!

Anyway, next order of business is potty training! Dr Nguyen gave me a pamphlet on how to get started, and I have been asking other moms what their secret of success was. We shall see!

Enjoy the many faces of Ella P.


Anonymous said...

My growing up little Ella Pearl... I am also one that does NOT want to see you grow up too quickly. I don't get to see you as often as I'd like and each time I DO see you I can see such a change. The good side of that, though, is that you are growing up to be such a beautiful little young lady with such a wonderful disposition. THAT is so important. You tug at the strings of my heart with each new expression and smile... i love you so much, my little Ella Pearl... Mammy