Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Tonight the most amazing thing happened!! Ella just tee teed on the potty!! Woohoo!

We have her princess potty in the bathroom all the time, and we always ask her if she wants to try to tee tee or poo poo before and after she bathes, when she's nekked! Well, she'll get on there and maybe toot, but that't about it. I'm not pushing it. I just want to get her used to seeing it.

Anyway, tonight she sat on it before we put her in the bath, and she was playing with a new bouncy ball I had gotten her at WalMart. All of a sudden, we hear the "tah dahhhh!" music coming from within the potty seat, which means tee tee has landed! She made no reaction whatsoever, but Bart and I went ballistic! Yay!! Ella tee teed on the potty!! Woohooo! Yeah, she looked at us like we were nuts, but sure enough, when she got up, there was a puddle of pee! It was glorious! Who knew I could get so excited about urine!?

So, I guess next step is to keep giving her the potty option? Any pointers? I feel like the seal has been broken! Ahhh, gotta love parenthood!


Anonymous said...

OMG....that is awesome! Andrea is getting a potty for Easter. I will be so happy when I don't have to buy diapers anymore! Yay Ella!

Farrell Family said...

I'll just be happy when I don't have to change BIG diapers! Geez! I counted the other day, and I had changed a total of SIX poo poo diapers in one day. YUCK!

Anonymous said...

My precious little Ella Pearl... Today you did something that made your parents soooo happy and you didn't even realize you were doing it. Little things like a little teetee in the bottom of the potty can turn educated parents into complete lunitics and it's all done by a little girl like you!! What you don't realize is that today is a little milestone in your life and when you learn to do this every day??? Well, let's just say you will make their day... I love you my little Ella...keep up the good work!! Mammy