Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!


Ok, so I know I've been behind! I have a whole chapter of Christmas to fill in, and I will....tomorrow (after all, tomorrow is another day!) But for today, I will wish my little angel Happy New Year.

What an unforgettable year 2008 was!! So many wonderful and life-changing things took place. For the first half of the year, I was pregnant for you, which was the most amazing experience in the world. I loooved being pregnant, and you made it so easy for me to be happy! I also became a teacher, which is a career path that I am so lucky to have found. And of course, there was the passing of your Maw Maw Bev. I know God waited for your arrival before he took her from us, and he purposely did that so you could meet your guardian angel in person. She loves you so much, and I know she's watching down on us. This year also brought many other babies...Briggs, Jacob, Andrea, Katelyn, Brodie, Janie, Jordyn, and Aubrey (if I'm forgetting any, I apologize!) But for my new year, the most important occurence is when I first laid eyes on you. Being a mom....being your mommy is the best thing to ever happen to me. Your daddy and I are so blessed to have you in our lives, baby girl.

Many New Year's past, I have tried to make my New Year's Eve the best it could be, and every year, I have failed terribly. I was either single or unhappy or bored or, more recently, your daddy was working. Last year, I realized more and more, its not about how big the party is or how expensive the champagne is or how many fireworks you see. Its about being with the ones you love...and if you have that, it's always a perfect New Years Eve.

Now, here it is - New Year's Eve, and you are snuggly sleeping in your crib. The three of us went to dinner tonight (in Houston). When we got home, we all got pretty sleepy. And although you are well into dreamland right now, your daddy and I are struggling to stay awake till midnight so we can ring in the new year together. Boy how times have changed!!

But we will....we'll have our champagne and toast 2009 because we know its going to be even better than 2008. The best is yet to come!

Love, your Mama


Anonymous said...

my little Ella... I can only imagine how your mom and dad feel about 2008 because I know it was, along with eight others, the best year for me. Each year is more and more exciting for your PawPaw and I because we get to meet all you new little people and you take another big part of our heart!! So here's to 2009 and I cannot wait to see what it will bring to us. I love you so very much, little Ella.