Monday, December 8, 2008

Making it through December

You're doing just great, little Ella. We went to the doctor last week, and they gave you a clean bill of health. That nasty ole bronchiolitis is all gone. I alos scheduled the appointment for your 4 month check-up! Oh my! That is this Friday!

You had a great weekend. Your Uncle Dax came to visit, and we did a lot of shopping. Mommy tried to get Christmas shopping done, but all she did was buy more clothes for you! I am out of control, I admit it. All the little girl clothes is just too darn cute (and you're too darn cute wearing that cute clothes!) Your daddy is just as bad. Anyway, Sunday we went to the Katy Mills mall, and you took your very first picture with Santa! Of course, its not the official picture with Santa, but you really warmed up to him. I think he's going to be good to you this year.

Mommy and daddy have been enjoying full nights of sleep. Its been so great. Then last night out of nowhere you had a horrible night. You woke up at 10pm, and you could not go back to sleep. You woke up every 15 minutes ALL NIGHT LONG, and mommy was sooo tired this morning. Normally your daddy would help me, but he wasn't feeling well last night, so he had taken Nyquil before he went to bed. NOT GOOD! Oh well, I will be going to sleep early tonight, and you seem to be back on track.


Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

hey my little Ella Pearl... I haven't been leaving comments lately but I've been so busy getting all my gifts for my little granddaughters in time for Christmas. Mammy enjoys getting all these gifts for all of you as much as you enjoy getting them. You won't really appreciate Mammy & PawPaw Santa until a few years now, but believe's fun!! Another thing that's kept me busy and away from the computer is that we had snow today, Ella.... Lots and Lots of Snow!!! It was so beautiful and so MUCH!! I will send some pictures to your mommy so she can put some of these great pictures on your blog and you'll be able to see them one day!! I love you soooo much and can't wait till you come home for Christmas!! Love, Mammy