Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sicky Ella

You sure have had a rough couple of days, Ella. We've been giving you breathing treatments over the holidays to get rid of your bronchiolitis once and for all. You've been coughing, but this past weekend it got worse. Monday was Mommy's first day back at school, but when you woke up Monday morning and didn't want any of your bottle, I knew someting was wrong. You went to daycare in the morning, but Mommy took a half day off and made you an appointment with a new doctor. She was recommended by one of Mommy's teacher friends, and she's been so hard to get an appointment with otherwise.

So, we went to the new doctor, Dr. Nguyen yesterday afternoon. Well, I LOVE her. She was so easy to talk to, and I spoke with her for a long time. She gave me lots of tips on feeding and keeping you well. You know she's a good doctor when we spent more time with her than we did the nurse!!

And her first impression of you? Well, you let out a HUGE man-burp when she first saw you. She laughed. And you were lying on your back in only your diaper eating on your feet. Soooo ladylike, Ella. Ha ha ha.

Since you're almost 5 months, she decided it was time you had your 4 month immunizations. You were NOT a fan!! You cried and wailed (for good reason - those were two HUGE needles they put in your legs!) In return, you got two shiny silver bandaids. Not quite an even trade-off.

You weigh 16 lbs and 6 ounces, and you're 26 inches!! She said other than the bronchiolitis, you are a perfectly healthy baby girl. I think we found you a great new doctor, Ella!! You did have an ear infection, so its back to the antiobiotics. And of course the breathing machine.

Anyway, with the stuffy nose and coughing and the shots, you obviously didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. Mommy and daddy were so worried about you. This morning Daddy woke up with you and tried to feed you. You still weren't super hungry, which is sooo unlike you. You were burning up, and you were sooo congested. When we took your temperature, you were 104 degrees!!! I panicked!! I took the day off, and we got your some Tylenol asap. I called the doctor's office, and they called back with info. They said it was probably due to the shots, but she'd doublecheck just to be sure. Later, Dr. Nguyen called to check on you. She said for us to just keep an eye on you.

You slept in my arms all day long. I mean, ALL DAY LONG. I was so glad you were feeling better though. This evening, you seem to be in better spirits, even with your scratchy, crackling cough. I got some video of you laughing and laughing at Steve on Blue's Clues. It's definitely your favorite show on Noggin right now. Hopefully tomorrow the fever will be all cleared up by the morning. If not, I'll be home with you tomorrow. And your Mammy is on standby - you know she'd LOVE any excuse to come hold you all day long. Hee hee.

I love you my baby girl....I hope you are better soon.
Love, Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you are sick again little Ella! I hope you feel better soon. Wow! I can't believe how much you look like your mommy in the picture of you sleeping with Day!!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you know I meant Dad! I don't quite know how to edit my posts...


Anonymous said...

I hope little Ella is feeling better soon. She is getting so big. I can't wait for her and Andrea to get together. When are yall making a trip home again?

- Stina

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE the pic of you and your daddy sleeping, Ella. You are so lucky to have a mommy and daddy to love you so much. You have brought so much fun and love into an already love filled marriage!! I hope you are getting better and will soon be all well again....then you can give them a hard time... lol I love you my little Ella... Mammy

Anonymous said...

I love the video of her laughing at Blue's Clues. Babies are so much fun at this age...when they start laughing and smiling. Hope she gets rid of all her sicknesses and starts feeling better soon!
