Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Your Nursery

Mommy has been majorly stressing out about your nursery. I want it to be perfect, but I also want to have some money left over afterwards to be able to send you to Harvard! Daddy and I thought we had finally found something we liked, but after a long heart-to-heart with your Mammy, she reminded me that you're gonna be bunking with us for the first few months downstairs. She also reminded me that the nursery is a lot for looks - and not to stress!

With that great advice, this past Monday I stressed about it one last time. Yes, I had a little hormonal fit with your daddy. I surely must scare him when I turn into the incredibly sobbing mommy, but it quickly passes. That's just one of those lovely symptoms of pregnancy I guess. Hopefully the more hormonals fits I have, the more beautiful and smart you'll be!

Anyway - that was the last time I stressed about that nursery! We went to Babies R Us Tuesday night and bought the blanket that matches your bedding. Daddy and I found the PERFECT bed for you. It's perfect! So, today we went to Home Depot and bought some yellow paint for your new room! And when I got home, Daddy and I ordered your new bed!! Yay! I can't wait for it to come in! We both really love it, and of course, we love you!

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness i think its just gorgeous this blog thingy... and is there really a place called Babies R Us? Amber and I are googling over the blog and just love it- great way to keep up to date lots of love Becs xxoo

Anonymous said...

Congrats on everything going so smoothly! You are stressing about the perfect nursery but I am a week away from my due date and poor Colin's room is full of boxes b/c we are moving next weekend! I do have his bassinet set up in our room, but feel like an awful mom b/c his room is not set up--his changing table is still in a box!!! So don't worry, I promise he or she won't care. Love, Tori