Thursday, April 24, 2008

25 Week Update! Dr's Appt!

I went to the doctor today. Your daddy has come with me to every doctor's visit so far, and like the good father he is, he did again today. But the wait was SOOO long because the doctor had to delivery a baby right as I got there, and the waiting room was packed with pregnant mommies and little children. So I told daddy to go on home and get some errands done before Aunt Veronica and Uncle Tyler come visit tomorrow. The last doctor's visit only took like 10 minutes, so, daddy left.

Wouldn't you know, this time the doctor did an ultrasound! He asked me if we still didn't want to know, and I said very hesitantly - yes! (but I must admit, it was killing me!) I told him again that he could show me the lower region on the ultrasound, and I still wouldn't know what I was looking at. And I didn't. I saw your two little legs, but again they were together. You really don't want us to know do you!? However, you couldn't fool Dr. Montgomery! He has a pretty good idea what you are. Thank God daddy wasn't there because he probably would've tried everything to find out!! So, we'll find out soon enough. Poor daddy - he totally missed the opportunity to get a sneak peak - he was not too happy to hear he missed a chance to see you.

Everything looks great though - you're growing perfectly. Dr. Montgomery said my weight looks good, and it seems to be going very routine. My glucose tests were back, and I do not have gestational diabetes which was a relief. And I am a little anemic, so he put me on iron pills. Other than that, its smooth sailing!

We are so excited to find out what you are and when you're gonna get here!!
Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

Gelle, love this blog! What a great way to keep everyone up to date. I am so glad to hear that you and baby are happy and healthy. I cant wait to meet him or her in person!

Love, Chelle