Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Working on the Nursery

Well, your daddy and I are putting a lot of blood, sweat and tears into your new nursery. The room we're making into your room was originally painted blue, so we had to prime it with white. Your daddy and I worked our tushes off Monday night priming the walls, although it still looked light blue.

Today we started painted it the pretty pale yellow I picked out. It looks beautiful, but we ran out of paint (plus it's definitely going to need another coat). Oh well...we'll finish it up tomorrow night.

The furniture is still not in yet - I have been coming home from work everyday like a big kid checking the answering machine hoping there'll be a message from Babies R Us, saying that the furniture is ready - but no such luck yet. Hopefully this weekend it will be ready!!

Other than that, nothing super new going on. You're REALLY starting to kick now, and I can totally see the movement you're making on my belly from the outside too. Not to mention, my belly seems to be stretching and growing a little more every day. It's acually quite a bit scary!! Sometimes I feel like I might pop! Boy, I hope I don't though. Ha ha ha.

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

Wow, that looks like fun!
~ Lacie