Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Working on the Nursery

Well, your daddy and I are putting a lot of blood, sweat and tears into your new nursery. The room we're making into your room was originally painted blue, so we had to prime it with white. Your daddy and I worked our tushes off Monday night priming the walls, although it still looked light blue.

Today we started painted it the pretty pale yellow I picked out. It looks beautiful, but we ran out of paint (plus it's definitely going to need another coat). Oh well...we'll finish it up tomorrow night.

The furniture is still not in yet - I have been coming home from work everyday like a big kid checking the answering machine hoping there'll be a message from Babies R Us, saying that the furniture is ready - but no such luck yet. Hopefully this weekend it will be ready!!

Other than that, nothing super new going on. You're REALLY starting to kick now, and I can totally see the movement you're making on my belly from the outside too. Not to mention, my belly seems to be stretching and growing a little more every day. It's acually quite a bit scary!! Sometimes I feel like I might pop! Boy, I hope I don't though. Ha ha ha.

Love, Mom

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekend with Aunt Veronica & Uncle Tyler

We had a great visit this weekend with your Aunt Veronica, Uncle Tyler and your soon-to-be playmate Breanna.

Breanna is getting so big!! She is walking and talking, and she is soo beautiful. Friday night we all went to our favorite Mexican restaurant (yes, I know - are destined to come out a Juan or a Maria!!) And then Saturday, the ladies went to the new outlet mall. And of course, that night Uncle Tyler and Daddy grilled some of their famous steaks. It was just like old times, with the exception of our bedtime! (the mommy and mommy-to-be who used to stay up late drinking wine and jabbering were in bed by 11!! Ha!)

And little Breanna gave us a great idea of what life will be like in a mere three months when you arrive. Poor Aunt Veronica was up early every morning and she never stopped!! And Breanna not only helped babyproof the house a little more (which was great!), but she also showed us what it will be like to hear a baby crying in the house early in the morning. Don't get me wrong, she hardly EVER cried while she was here, but it's reeeally starting to hit us that these late sleepy mornings are soon to be no more!! What's up with that?!

Love, Mom

Thursday, April 24, 2008

25 Week Update! Dr's Appt!

I went to the doctor today. Your daddy has come with me to every doctor's visit so far, and like the good father he is, he did again today. But the wait was SOOO long because the doctor had to delivery a baby right as I got there, and the waiting room was packed with pregnant mommies and little children. So I told daddy to go on home and get some errands done before Aunt Veronica and Uncle Tyler come visit tomorrow. The last doctor's visit only took like 10 minutes, so, daddy left.

Wouldn't you know, this time the doctor did an ultrasound! He asked me if we still didn't want to know, and I said very hesitantly - yes! (but I must admit, it was killing me!) I told him again that he could show me the lower region on the ultrasound, and I still wouldn't know what I was looking at. And I didn't. I saw your two little legs, but again they were together. You really don't want us to know do you!? However, you couldn't fool Dr. Montgomery! He has a pretty good idea what you are. Thank God daddy wasn't there because he probably would've tried everything to find out!! So, we'll find out soon enough. Poor daddy - he totally missed the opportunity to get a sneak peak - he was not too happy to hear he missed a chance to see you.

Everything looks great though - you're growing perfectly. Dr. Montgomery said my weight looks good, and it seems to be going very routine. My glucose tests were back, and I do not have gestational diabetes which was a relief. And I am a little anemic, so he put me on iron pills. Other than that, its smooth sailing!

We are so excited to find out what you are and when you're gonna get here!!
Love, Mom

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Your Nursery

Mommy has been majorly stressing out about your nursery. I want it to be perfect, but I also want to have some money left over afterwards to be able to send you to Harvard! Daddy and I thought we had finally found something we liked, but after a long heart-to-heart with your Mammy, she reminded me that you're gonna be bunking with us for the first few months downstairs. She also reminded me that the nursery is a lot for looks - and not to stress!

With that great advice, this past Monday I stressed about it one last time. Yes, I had a little hormonal fit with your daddy. I surely must scare him when I turn into the incredibly sobbing mommy, but it quickly passes. That's just one of those lovely symptoms of pregnancy I guess. Hopefully the more hormonals fits I have, the more beautiful and smart you'll be!

Anyway - that was the last time I stressed about that nursery! We went to Babies R Us Tuesday night and bought the blanket that matches your bedding. Daddy and I found the PERFECT bed for you. It's perfect! So, today we went to Home Depot and bought some yellow paint for your new room! And when I got home, Daddy and I ordered your new bed!! Yay! I can't wait for it to come in! We both really love it, and of course, we love you!

Love, Mom

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Babies R Us!

What a great weekend your dad and I had!!

We drove to Louisiana Friday night and stayed in Baton Rouge at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Then Saturday morning early, Mammy came to pick me up so we could go register! We headed to Babies R Us in Baton Rouge, and your Mammy and I had a ball!! We walked around that store for THREE HOURS registering for all kinds of goodies for you. We found things that Mammy was amazed by, and all kinds of neat toys and gagdets your daddy would love!! It wasn't hard to find things for boys and girls at all. We did pick out some pretty bedding for you too with moon and stars. It's really cute and super soft. We still need to see if daddy likes it though. After that, Mammy and I went to Cullen's Babyland to look at baby beds. We didn't find any, but we did see a LOT of LSU stuff that your Paw Paw is gonna go nuts with!! Look out!

Sunday was a lot of fun too. Mammy and I went to your Aunt Penne's baby shower. She is due in June, and when I walked into the room, I started to tear up. Not because she looks like a beautiful mother-to-be (even though she really does), but because her belly was so PAINFULLY protruding! I took one look at her belly and could not believe that mine will be that big pretty soon. Wow. WOW. It really took me by surprise. Just that day before, I was patting you on what looks like a tiny bump next to Aunt Penne's right now and telling Mammy how I can't imagine my belly stretching to get any bigger. Well, apparently I am in for a rude awakening.

But Aunt Penne was glowing and she looks beautiful, and maybe one day you and Aunt Penne's baby will be as good of friends as we are. Nanny was a glowing granny-to-be too. It was such a great shower and lovely afternoon - isn't it amazing how much I enjoy these showers so much more now that I have a baby on the way! Before I never even knew you needed all those things! Ha ha ha.

Love, Mom