Friday, June 29, 2012

Mother of Three Toddlers - the real truth

I went to Louisiana for a week, and I throroughly enjoyed my time around family and friends.  I planned on trying to see EVERYONE in that week, but I was enjoyed just some laxed time at my mom and sister's house so much, that I decided I could do that later.  I wanted to let my kiddos make memories at my mom and dad's house, and boy, did they!!  So, to all you that I missed, so sorry for not coming to visit - I promise to see you soon!!

In hanging with friends and family, I remember someone saying to me how on Facebook I make staying at home with three kiddos look so easy. 
DO I?? 
I was under the impression that my daily funny moments and updates epitomized just how insane my life is right now.  I share that stuff in hopes to relate why I don't always return calls and emails quickly.  If I have ever given anyone the impression that taking care of a three, two and one year old was easy, my sincerest apologies for misguiding you! 

Life is INSANE!  Every day.  Insanity. 

However, I suppose my outlook on life is what is leading people to believe I have it all together.  Because I would have it no other way.  Yes, I do get tired.  Yes, I do get frustrated.  And NO, I don't know what I am doing most of the time, but I try.  And I love it.  Although we didn't "plan" on having three kids under three, we definitely wanted three kids, and we wanted them close together.  I wanted them to be best of friends.  I wanted them to all be in school together.  I wanted them to experience everything together.  And they are.  And they will.
I tell Bart all the time, "I love my life.  I love my husband, and I love my kids." 
I cry when it gets to be a lot.  I love when I get an hour break now and then.  I am so looking forward to a weekend without responsibility and children and husband.  But I love them.  And I will probably sadly miss them (while I am lying in that quiet lazy river sipping on a fruity cocktail....ok, maybe MISS is a strong word, but I will be happy to see them come Sunday).

I guess what I am trying to say is that, YES - raising three babies is NOT easy, especially as a stay at home mom, but I love it.  And I am very grateful for the opportunity.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.