Monday, January 9, 2012

Our First Visit to the Children's Museum

Since Bart was off of work the day after New Year's and since we had to pass by the Children's Museum every time I had to have my hand surgery, we decided it would be a good day to take the girls to the museum.  All these places are going to love us (having three kids), since paying for all of us to get in is just as much as a membership, so of course again, we caved and became members!  Two visits and it paid for itself, plus the kids LOVED it...I know we'll be back.

Amelia, the mad scientist, getting ready for an experiment!

I loved seeing the wonder in their eyes.  Some things were way over their heads, but they were very curious all the same. 

"Riding" in the mexican taxi in the Mexico exhibit.  Amelia also exchanged my money into pesos, and Ella made me some tortillas.

Amelia and Ella LOVED seeing the baby chicks pecking their way through the eggs.  Then they got to see the fluffy little chicks after they were all cleaned up.  So cool.

Olivia even got in on the action!

By far, Ella's favorite part was Kidtropolis, a kid-centered city with businesses, jobs, banks, stores and so much more.  Here's Ella working in the restaurant, bringing Bart his "chicken." 

Our next stop was the HEB grocery store.  The girls had a blast shopping like mommy does.  I swear I could hear Ella talking like me, "Let's see....we also need ___." 

Great day at the museum.