Sunday, January 15, 2012

Geaux Tigers!

Well, the tigers lost, but it wasn't due to our lack of team spirit! 
Monday was a HELLISH day!  It was a cold and rainy night and morning, and Olivia woke up still not feeling that great from a weekend of antibiotics.  So I called the doctor and got an appointment for 9:30.  Now, I don't know if you know this about my girls, but they are sleepers!  Once they finally admit defeat and actually give IN to sleep, they will sleep till 9am easy.  I was skeptical about taking them out not only in the rain and cold but also to all three of them to a doctors office (germ city!), but I was desperate for poor Olivia to feel better.  I woke up the older girls, fed them breakfast, and dressed everyone (in LSU clothes because it was championship game day, how could I not!?), piled them all into the car in the pouring rain and cold, and made our way to the doctor.  Thank God for free valet parking at my doctor's office, or THAT would've been a fiasco too, but it was a pleasant overall doctor's visit. 

Not sure if I have mentioned before, but I LOVE my pediatrician, Dr. Nguyen.  She is SO wonderful to us.  Not only does she always remember us and what's going on with us (because I am there so often, I guess!), but on days like today when she wasn't very busy, she stops to talk to us about how our holidays were, how my surgeries went, and little small talk that I know she does not have to do...but thats what makes a good doctor.  She is such a wonderful person to have caring for my girls.

Anyway, sure enough the antibiotics weren't working, so we stopped by the pharmacy for more, grabbed lunch, and headed to the YMCA for Ella's dance class (all in torrential rain, might I add).  After I shuttle three kids IN THE RAIN in a double stroller into the Y, I walk in and the woman behind the desk tells me, "Oh, didn't they call you?  Dance class was cancelled!"
NO, THEY DIDN'T CALL ME!   Do you think I would be here dripping wet with my sick baby and my hungry children if I knew that!?  Needless to say, I stayed and worked out because I needed to RELIEVE SOME STRESS!  Wow. 

The evening didn't get much better....LSU played a pathetic game against Alabama, all while Ella and Amelia yelled "GEAUX TIGERS!" and Amelia's favorite phrase, "TOUCHDOWN!," and she says it with such gusto!  LSU lost 21-0.  Humiliating, but we still had the cutest little cheerleaders!