Monday, January 16, 2012
Average week at the Farrells
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:31 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Geaux Tigers!
Posted by Farrell Family at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 9, 2012
First week of the year in pictures
Posted by Farrell Family at 1:04 AM 1 comments
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am back!
A friend of mine inspired me to start a challenge. To take as many photos of the every day moments of our lives so that when our little ones are grown up, we'll remember the not so special occasions just as much as we remember the special ones (ok, who are we kidding...they're all special!)
Having three kids, it's really hard to blog as often as I would like to. I have SO many funny stories and so many things I want to share with not only my children one day (through this blog), but also to share with you, my readers, who take the time to come here to our blog to read about us. I'm challenging myself to one entry a week....if I accomplish more, great! But at least if I can shoot for once a week, that doesn't seem like THAT much of an unrealistic goal (and at very least, I can throw a bunch of pictures of that week on here!)
I had surgery on my hands at the end of the year. I had carpal tunnel throughout all three of my pregnancies, but with each pregnancy, it subsided afterwards. After Olivia, it didn't go away. I would feel numbness in my hands all the time, and pain would shoot up through my arm, almost to my shoulder. It was getting worse and worse, until one night I was working on a hot glue gun project for some Christmas favors for the girls to take to school. I have one of those old-time mega hot guns, and as I worked, I remember getting glue on my hands, but I continued to work. When I was done, I hadn't burned myself one time...until I looked at my fingers, and I had red spots on them. I had burned my fingers, and I had so little feeling in them, that I didn't even notice. CRAZINESS! So, I made an appointment to see a specialist downtown, met with him in the morning, and that afternoon I was having surgery on my left hand, the one with the most damage. That was Dec was pretty easy making do with one hand through the holidays because I still had my right hand, my good hand. Dec 29th we came back to Houston, and I had the right hand done. Wow....hard for a mama to take care of her three babies with one healing hand and one freshly cut hand! But my wonderful husband helped me, and we made it through. PLUS, it was the best thing I could've every done because the problem is completely fixed, and I'm recovering more and more everyday. Bionic, I think, was what my physical therapist called me for my one-time visit....she was amazed I had progressed so much in so little time. I informed her I had three tiny physical therapists at home that did her job for her.
We had a great Christmas, and a wonderful New Year. We're so blessed to have the friends and family that we have.
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:37 AM 0 comments
Our First Visit to the Children's Museum
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:18 AM 0 comments