Friday, January 23, 2009

Little Bo Peep

This week was Nursery Rhyme week at your daycare, and today was dress-up day! You were supposed to dress up like your favorite nursery rhyme character. So, you - being the cutie patootie that you are - dressed up like Little Bo Peep.

The inspiration was your little lamb that Paw Paw Tom gave you for Christmas. Then I dug up an old baby dress of mine that looked just like an apron and put it on top of a pink dress from Aunt Stina. Top it off with that adorable bonnet that Nanny let us borrow, and you are Bo Peep!

The ladies at daycare LOVED it! They went on and on about how adorable you looked. Plus, I think I see one of those little boys from your class giving you the eye! He'd better watch it!!



~Michelle said...

Awww...Ella is the cutest Little Bo Peep ever! She is always going to have he best costumes because you are so creative.


Andrea's Mom said...

She is precious! Chelle is right...she will always be the best costumed child! I love it!


Anonymous said...

Too cute for words, you are extremly tallented Gelle. How much fun, I want to attend the Day Care!! xx Amber