Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!


Ok, so I know I've been behind! I have a whole chapter of Christmas to fill in, and I will....tomorrow (after all, tomorrow is another day!) But for today, I will wish my little angel Happy New Year.

What an unforgettable year 2008 was!! So many wonderful and life-changing things took place. For the first half of the year, I was pregnant for you, which was the most amazing experience in the world. I loooved being pregnant, and you made it so easy for me to be happy! I also became a teacher, which is a career path that I am so lucky to have found. And of course, there was the passing of your Maw Maw Bev. I know God waited for your arrival before he took her from us, and he purposely did that so you could meet your guardian angel in person. She loves you so much, and I know she's watching down on us. This year also brought many other babies...Briggs, Jacob, Andrea, Katelyn, Brodie, Janie, Jordyn, and Aubrey (if I'm forgetting any, I apologize!) But for my new year, the most important occurence is when I first laid eyes on you. Being a mom....being your mommy is the best thing to ever happen to me. Your daddy and I are so blessed to have you in our lives, baby girl.

Many New Year's past, I have tried to make my New Year's Eve the best it could be, and every year, I have failed terribly. I was either single or unhappy or bored or, more recently, your daddy was working. Last year, I realized more and more, its not about how big the party is or how expensive the champagne is or how many fireworks you see. Its about being with the ones you love...and if you have that, it's always a perfect New Years Eve.

Now, here it is - New Year's Eve, and you are snuggly sleeping in your crib. The three of us went to dinner tonight (in Houston). When we got home, we all got pretty sleepy. And although you are well into dreamland right now, your daddy and I are struggling to stay awake till midnight so we can ring in the new year together. Boy how times have changed!!

But we will....we'll have our champagne and toast 2009 because we know its going to be even better than 2008. The best is yet to come!

Love, your Mama

Monday, December 22, 2008

Winnfield Weekend

The beginning of our Christmas week in Louisiana began with a weekend in Winnfield in northern Louisiana. We left Saturday morning to make it for Breanna's second birthday party. She was so adorable in her pink dress. She seemed to have had a great time at her party. Breanna loves to treat you like one of her baby dolls. See the picture of her wiping your face? She's always trying to help.

We also enjoyed our visit with Tyler and Veronica in their new house. It was so nice and cozy on that VERY COLD weekend.

We even made it to Natchitoches for the lights and Santa Sunday night. It was 32 degrees, and you were all bundled up in about 10 layers of clothing. But you loved seeing Santa, and he thought you were as cute as a button.

Monday morning I checked out the shopping scene in downtown Winnfield. Veronica told me about a little place called the Youth Shop. Well, I could've gone nuts in there. In fact, your daddy and I almost did!! We ended up buying you two smocked Christmas outfits and a bunch of hairbows. I can't WAIT to go back there again!!

We left Monday morning for Garyville. It was a great visit with the Prays.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas in Houston

Here's a quick picture of your house for your first Christmas! Yay!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Snow Day in Louisiana

Ella - here's the snow your Mammy was talking about. We had flurries in Houston, but nothing to write home about. But your family in Louisiana got PLENTY!! Here's your Mammy and Paw Paw's house covered in snow. Isn't it gorgeous?? God, I'm gonna miss that house.

In other news, I took you for your 4-month checkup today. You couldn't get your shots because your bronchiolitis is back!! We have to do breathing treatments again. Poo poo. Hopefully when we go back next Thursday, you'll be healthy again!!

Love, Mama Gelle

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!

Ella, you are officially 4 months old. We're going to the doctor tomorrow for your 4-month check-up. There's a pic above of you wearing your Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer sweatshirt that Mammy got for you. Rudolph's nose really lights up!!

Today is your daddy's birthday!! Mommy made him red beans and rice (his favorite), and I even baked him a cake. It was a marble cake with vanilla and fudge icing. Yum!! As usual, my cakes always have one flaw. The icing slid down the side - oops!....but it was still delicious.

Daddy had a great birthday. We gave him tickets to Big Head Todd in Houston in March. He is so excited, and he loved his first card from you. It was a wonderful night.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Making it through December

You're doing just great, little Ella. We went to the doctor last week, and they gave you a clean bill of health. That nasty ole bronchiolitis is all gone. I alos scheduled the appointment for your 4 month check-up! Oh my! That is this Friday!

You had a great weekend. Your Uncle Dax came to visit, and we did a lot of shopping. Mommy tried to get Christmas shopping done, but all she did was buy more clothes for you! I am out of control, I admit it. All the little girl clothes is just too darn cute (and you're too darn cute wearing that cute clothes!) Your daddy is just as bad. Anyway, Sunday we went to the Katy Mills mall, and you took your very first picture with Santa! Of course, its not the official picture with Santa, but you really warmed up to him. I think he's going to be good to you this year.

Mommy and daddy have been enjoying full nights of sleep. Its been so great. Then last night out of nowhere you had a horrible night. You woke up at 10pm, and you could not go back to sleep. You woke up every 15 minutes ALL NIGHT LONG, and mommy was sooo tired this morning. Normally your daddy would help me, but he wasn't feeling well last night, so he had taken Nyquil before he went to bed. NOT GOOD! Oh well, I will be going to sleep early tonight, and you seem to be back on track.


Mama Gelle

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mammy gets Ella-time

Mammy has been spoiling you rotten. She came spend a few days to take care of you, and she's been lapping up the Ella-time. And YOU are loving it too. I must confess, I love having Mammy around too. We got to shop and bond, plus it gives me a little break every once in a while! Here's a few random shots of you.

You also had your first trip to Harwin Drive. You were such a trooper! You're gonna be a natural shopper, just like your mama!!

Mammy flew back to Louisiana tonight. It was a teary goodbye as always.
Love, Mama Gelle

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Ella, you have been so sick, so mommy has totally slacked on posting on your blog this last week. Wednesday morning we had to take you back to the doctor because you still had fever, and you were grabbing at your ear. Dr. Ramsey said that you had an ear infection, and she put you on antibiotics. She also said we shouldn't travel with you, much less take you to Thanksgiving in Louisiana if children were going to be there. She said you would give bronchiolitis to every child there. Mommy was a nervous wreck!! I wanted to go to Louisiana sooo bad and see all the family, but I wanted to do what was right for you too. You seemed like you were sooo miserable.

After much stress and a few tears, we decided to wait until Thursday morning to leave for Louisiana. We left at 4am, and we made it to Aunt Yvette's house with plenty of time to spare! I was so excited you got to experience your first Levet Thanksgiving!! And you were sooo good all day long. Too bad you couldn't try all the great food!!

Friday, mommy had lunch with your Aunt Jenny, Briggs and your Aunt Lacie. It was a spur of the moment thing, but I enjoyed it sooo much. I miss them soo much, and I never wanted it to end. We had a blast.

Saturday we went to Aunt Anna's house for the Farrell Thanksgiving. Aunt Anna and Uncle Travis made a great Thanksgiving dinner!! I can't get over what great cooks they are. It was so nice to see everyone!

Sunday we headed back to Texas with a special visitor! Mammy rode with us to Houston so she could spend a few days with you (instead of sending you straight back to daycare). It's going to be sooo much fun!!!

Love, Mama Gelle