Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Let's go to the zoo! Let's go to the zoo!

Labor Day Weekend, we decided to take the girls to the zoo.  It was a great thought and the weather was beautiful in the mornings, but PHEW if it wasn't HOT in the middle of the day with thousands of people pushing a double stroller.  Ha!  But we had a great time.  Ella was really aware of the different animals, and her favorite was still the elephants of course.  We snuck into the reptile room to get a little a/c, and Ella got to pet a snake and a giant lizard.  Gross!!  She had no fear of just putting her hand on their scaly bodies and petting them though.  That girl...

Amelia looked around a lot too, and she enjoyed the view from her daddy's shoulders every so often.  She was hot and tired at the end though, so we left just in time.  We had a blast, and we can't wait to go back when it's cooler.