Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Farrells and Eagle Football!

Last night we went to our first Woodville Eagles football game.  Our nephew Taylor has been playing varsity football for four years, and being this is his senior year, we're trying to cheer on his team as much as we can.  Ella is still on anitbiotics from strep throat, but we'd already missed the first two games, so we just had to go (don't judge me!!)  Bart's been to every game, but Taylor's been asking about his two little cheerleaders...
It was HOT! Super humid and hot, but the girls really had a great time.  It takes two hours to get to Woodville, and the ride was not so pleasant as both girls were super whiny and tired.  But as soon as we got there, they looked around and were mesmerized.  They loved the band and the cheerleaders, and they definitely had their fair share of people watching.  I had them dressed in two outfits I made....Amelia had a t-shirt dress on that said "Go Eagles, #22" and Ella had a pillowcase dress on that I literally put together an hour before we left.  Phew!
We drank LOTS of water, and Ella ate the world's largest pickle (and let me tell you, she nearly ate the entire thing...) 
Unfortunately, the Eagles lost, but Taylor played AWESOME as usual.  He's the team's kicker, but he also plays other positions as well.  It seems like he is ALWAYS on the field.  He scored the last touchdown of the night - that boy is a jack of all trades. 
Texas is ALL ABOUT their high school football.  One of their many cool traditions is at the end of the game, whether they win or lose, the band plays their alma mater (or maybe it's their fight song), and everyone on the field and the stands holds up their finger in a "number one."  The fans are all singing, and it's really a touching sight to see.  Ella raised her finger....completely confused.
Two years ago, Ella went to her first Eagle football game at a tender age of 3 months old.  We have pictures like this of her decked out in a flannel bodysuit because it was November and very cold.  Last year, Ella was a little older, and every time we would take a picture with Taylor at the end of a game, she would scream!  He tried taking off his helmet, taking off his shoulder pads....nothing worked (personally, I think a shower would've done the trick! Ha!) 
So, here we are a year later....Amelia really did go willingly, but when she saw me, she cried.  Ella STILL would not go with Taylor...I totally think it's the sweat.
We tried walking her next to him with daddy, and she still wasn't hip on the idea. 
We finally got Taylor's girlfriend Mindy to hold her (she loves the cheerleaders), and she was ok with him being in that picture.  Ha ha.  So funny....they both love their cousin "Taywor."
Amelia was loving up to Taylor's little brother Dawson...isn't he a cutie too?
We had a great time, and the girls slept the whole way home and ALL NIGHT.  We had a blast, and we can't wait to go back!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Let's go to the zoo! Let's go to the zoo!

Labor Day Weekend, we decided to take the girls to the zoo.  It was a great thought and the weather was beautiful in the mornings, but PHEW if it wasn't HOT in the middle of the day with thousands of people pushing a double stroller.  Ha!  But we had a great time.  Ella was really aware of the different animals, and her favorite was still the elephants of course.  We snuck into the reptile room to get a little a/c, and Ella got to pet a snake and a giant lizard.  Gross!!  She had no fear of just putting her hand on their scaly bodies and petting them though.  That girl...

Amelia looked around a lot too, and she enjoyed the view from her daddy's shoulders every so often.  She was hot and tired at the end though, so we left just in time.  We had a blast, and we can't wait to go back when it's cooler.