Thursday, June 18, 2009

Nine Month Pictures!

Ella Pearl-
Here are some of your nine-month pictures. We really weren't going to take nine-month pics, but one day when we were at Sam's, there was a company setting up appointments for these old-time photos. We thought it would be something different, so we scheduled you up. On picture day, you were not your normal smiley self. Mommy and Daddy kept trying to make you smile, but the photographer politely told me "I got it, Mom." Well, apparently she DIDN'T have it with her feather duster and lame noises because she never got you to smile one time. Oh well. You still look adorable, even when you're not smiling.
These are sooo much your 9 month faces...
Love, Mommy

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I've been an awful Mommy

Ella Pearl,
I know it's been a whole month since Mommy has posted anything on your blog. Yesterday was your 10-month mark, and I have been horrible. Between school ending and our trip to Minnesota, I have TOTALLY been slacking. Not to mention Mommy's laptop is on the fritz! Regardless, thats mo reason to slack on my beautiful little girl, so I promise to do better!
Your Aunt Mary has a new baby blog for her baby (check it out at, and she has totally inspired me to get my booty moving!

So, at 10 months you've had sooo many milestones! I'll put pics and videos of all of them, but I'll just say that you've been taking your first steps, singing, dancing, and saying Ma Ma Ma and Da Da Da. It's been quite a monumental month!

I love you sooo much, and you are growing up too fast!! I can't believe you're going to be a year in just two short months. I love you, my sweet pea.
